A young Black woman stands in front of a window, balancing a journal in one hand and a phone in her other. She is taking a bit of bread, still in her mouth, while trying to talk on the phone.

Julie Meade Psychology offers online individual therapy for adults throughout Ohio and Kentucky, who are navigating ADHD and executive dysfunction.

Together we’ll identify your current patterns and work toward solutions that are personal and unique to you, your values, and your needs.

A young Asian man sits at a desk, staring down at a laptop. He has a tense expression on his face, resting against his left palm. His glasses are on the desk in front of him, along with a journal and book.

Does this sound familiar?

  • You want to organize your life but feel like you’re flailing instead.

  • You can’t focus long enough to accomplish the things you want or need to accomplish.

  • You have so many ideas about what you want to be doing with your time and with your life, but you’re struggling to implement strategies to achieve those things.

A young white woman sits on the floor, propping herself up against a mop. She has an exhausted expression, leaning against the mop with her eyes closed.

Or maybe this sounds right:

  • You want to stop spinning your wheels and get things done.

  • You feel stuck in a cycle of wanting to power through your symptoms, then feeling frustrated when you find yourself caught in your usual patterns.

  • You want to find new systems or processes to make your day-to-day life feel easier, instead of feeling like you are trudging through mud to get through the day.

You want to accomplish your tasks or goals on time — or even ahead of time — so you have more room in your life for your interests, values, and passions.

I’m here to help.

A young woman of color with curly natural hair smiles directly at the camera, chin in her left hand. She is wearing a bright yellow shirt and bright pink lipstick.

Through online and in-person therapy for ADHD and executive dysfunction:

  • We’ll work together to develop new skills and strategies to improve organization, task initiation, and goal completion.

  • We’ll help you better understand yourself and your values, so you can live your life in alignment with what matters to you.

  • We’ll create rhythms to help your days flow more easily, so that things become so routine that they are less likely to be forgotten.

Change is possible, and I’m here to support you every step of the way.